Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics

Course Title

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

3 Years

180 ECTS

Mode of Study


Information for International applicants

Applicants considered as "Adult Learners" (mature applicants) in terms of paragraph (c) of regulation 6 of the Admissions Regulations must be in possession of those qualifications and/or experience that would satisfy the Faculty Admissions Committee that they have reached the academic standard required to follow the Course with profit. The eligibility of such applicants shall be decided by the University Admissions Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Admissions Committee, following an interview conducted by an interviewing board appointed for the purpose.

Applicants with other qualifications considered to be sufficient and comparable may be exempted by the University Admissions Board, on the advice of the Faculty Admissions Committee, from the whole or part of these special course requirements.

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You can submit your application online. The deadlines for submission of applications vary according to the intake and courses. We encourage all international applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible. This is especially important if you require a visa to travel and eventually stay in Malta.

You can compare your national qualifications to the local requirements by visiting our qualifications comparability webpage. Access more information about our admission process and English language requirements.

The University of Malta has student accommodation on campus called Campus Hub. Campus Hub is just a 2-minute walk from the main campus. For more information, visit the accommodation website.

Our dedicated team at the student recruitment office is here to support you every step of the way. From the moment you start your application to the moment when you receive your decision letter, we're here to assist you. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at, and our team will be more than happy to help.

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The vision of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics is to offer you professional training for career paths which in turn can help improve the quality of life and wellbeing for individuals, families and society. We will be focusing you on responsible resource management and behaviour change strategies with an emphasis on food, nutrition, health, family functioning, housing, interiors, textiles, fashion, personal finance and consumer affairs.

Various national strategies are in place to promote improvement in the quality of life at the individual, family and societal level, as well as to foster entrepreneurship. As a graduate of this programme, you could be employed in the family (e.g. child care, active ageing), consumer information, agriculture, environment, sustainability and retail sectors, particularly given their holistic background in management and review of resources, communication, product development, and project planning and implementation.

Communication and Academic Skills Programme

The communication and academic skills programme complements students’ main course of study. It introduces them to writing and presenting as situated within academic contexts sensitive to specific disciplines and develops their competences for future careers.

In addition to the compulsory study-units (56ECTS credits), students are required to register for one or more optional study-units for a total of 4 ECTS credits. Optional study-units need to be taken in semester 2 not to exceed the maximum number of 36ECTS credits per semester.
Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN1003 Family Diversity, Well-Being and Social Care 4 ECTS    
HPN1008 Dress, Society and Culture 4 ECTS    
HPN1012 Communicative Aspects of Home Economics 4 ECTS    
HPN1020 Community and Entrapreneurial Placement 1 4 ECTS    

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN1004 Introductory Science for Home Economics 4 ECTS    
HPN1009 Principles and Applications of Textile Science 4 ECTS    
HPN1010 Principles and Applications of Construction Techniques used in Textiles (1) 4 ECTS    
HPN1018 Towards Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan 5 ECTS    
HPN1019 Introduction to Home Economics as a Discipline and as a Profession 5 ECTS    
IOT1008 An Introduction to Creativity 4 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN1007 Consumer Trends and Behaviour for Wellbeing and Sustainability 4 ECTS    
HPN1011 Food Preparation Skills for Health and Wellness (1) 4 ECTS    
HPN1015 Principles of Human Nutrition 6 ECTS    

Requirement for regular progression to Year 3: 60 ECTS credits.

In addition to the compulsory study-units (32 ECTS credits), students are required to register for one or more optional study-units for a total of 4 ECTS credits. Moreover students are required to register for 24 ECTS credits from one of the following specialisation areas:

Specialisation Area A: Health and Consumer Studies

Specialisation Area B: Textiles, Fashion and Interiors Studies
Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN2019 Community and Entrapreneurial Placement 2 4 ECTS    

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN2002 Home Planning for Independent Living and Living with Others 4 ECTS    
HPN2004 Ethical Fashion and Textiles Recycling 4 ECTS    
HPN2018 Research Skills and Public Speaking 4 ECTS    
MRK2015 Marketing, ESG and Shared Value 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area A: Health and Consumer Studies
FSD2003 Current Family Issues in a Changing Society 4 ECTS    
HPN2009 Principles and Applications of Food Science and Food Technology 4 ECTS    
HPN2017 From the 0-Preschool Years: Addressing the Needs of Children 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area B: Textiles, Fashion and Interiors Studies
HPN2006 Creativity in Textiles and Fashion 4 ECTS    
HPN2012 Clothing for Specific Purposes 4 ECTS    
HPN2014 Product Development in Textiles and Clothing 4 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
FSD2004 Psychosocial Aspects of Family Life 4 ECTS    
HPN2003 Food Preparation Skills for Health and Wellness (2) 4 ECTS    
HPN2005 Principles and Applications of Construction Techniques used in Textiles (2) 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area A: Health and Consumer Studies
HPN2001 Health, Safety and Hygiene Throughout the Lifecycle 4 ECTS    
HPN2010 Applied Human Nutrition 4 ECTS    
HPN2011 Socio-Cultural Issues in Health and Nutrition 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area B: Textiles, Fashion and Interiors Studies
HPN2013 Pattern Drafting Using Traditional and Digital Forms 4 ECTS    
HPN2015 Design of Interiors 1 4 ECTS    
HPN2016 Textile Retail Management 4 ECTS    

Requirement for regular progression to Year 3: 60 ECTS credits.

In addition to the compulsory study-units (36 ECTS credits), students are required to register for one or more optional study-units for a total of 4 ECTS credits. Moreover students are required to register for 24 ECTS credits their chosen specialisation area.
Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN3021 Research Study Long Essay 8 ECTS    

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN3003 Scientific Principles and Applications for Contemporary Family Living 4 ECTS    
HPN3004 Nutrition and Dietary Planning for Individual Needs (1) 4 ECTS    
HPN3013 Costume History 4 ECTS    
HPN3019 Home Economists as Caring Professionals 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area A: Health and Consumer Studies
HPN3001 Senior Citizens in Society 4 ECTS    
HPN3010 Perspectives in Health, Consumer and Sustainability Policies and Research 4 ECTS    
HPN3011 HE Interventions for Behaviour Change within a Lifelong Learning Perspective 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area B: Textiles, Fashion and Interiors Studies
HPN3006 Drawing, Design Development and Fashion Design 4 ECTS    
HPN3014 Fundamentals of the Fashion Industry 4 ECTS    
HPN3017 Design of Interiors (2) 4 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
HPN3005 Application of Nutrition and Dietary Planning for Food and Meal Development 4 ECTS    
HPN3007 Community and Entrepreneurial Project (3) 2 ECTS    
HPN3022 Financial Literacy and Entrapreneurship 6 ECTS    
Specialisation Area A: Health and Consumer Studies
HPN3012 Consumer Education: Protection, Advocacy, Trends and Analysis 4 ECTS    
HPN3018 Nutrition and Dietary Planning for Individual Needs 2 4 ECTS    
Specialisation Area B: Textiles, Fashion and Interiors Studies
HPN3015 Advanced Applications of Construction Techniques Used in Textiles 4 ECTS    
HPN3016 Design and Portfolio Development 4 ECTS    

Requirement for successful completion of Year 3: 60 ECTS credits.

Requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics: 180 ECTS credits

This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Home Economics - B.Sc. (Hons) HE - under the auspices of the Faculty of Education.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various wellbeing needs of different families and of different family members at the various stages of the lifecycle and how these can be met through individual practice, shared family decision-making, community strategies, and workplace, school and other national policies.
  • Acknowledge the elements of an entrepreneurial spirit, and become familiar with requirements for commercial and social entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Speak with confidence regarding the basic science pertaining to food, nutrition, health, textiles, home management, design and communication.
  • Critically analyse research articles, reports and other reviews for accuracy, currency and understandability by the general public.
  • Apply design and organisational principles to develop, create a prototype or pilot and evaluate a simple product or service to help promote healthier, sustainable lifestyle and consumption behaviours.
  • Consider pursuing further studies in areas related to individual or family wellbeing, community development, sustainability, creativity and innovation or entrepreneurship, as well as training to become a teacher in the areas of Home Economics, Textiles Studies or related Vocational subjects (e.g. Hospitality, Health and Social Care, Fashion).

  1. Subject knowledge and understanding
    • Utilise their knowledge of food, health, consumption, personal finance, textiles, housing and interiors to offer basic guidance to individuals in different settings in order to choose more sustainable lifestyles for personal and family wellbeing
    • Identify the various wellbeing needs of different families and of different family members at the various stages of the lifecycle and how these can be met through individual practice, shared family decision-making, community strategies, and workplace, school and other national policies
    • Appreciate criteria for quality design as applied to different media and settings in the pursuit of functional and aesthetically pleasing attire, products and spaces
    • Acknowledge the elements of an entrepreneurial spirit, and become familiar with requirements for commercial and social entrepreneurial initiatives

  2. Intellectual development
    • Speak with confidence regarding the basic science pertaining to food, nutrition, health, textiles, home management, design and communication
    • Investigate issues of concern to individual or family lifestyles and wellbeing and recommend practical, sustainable solutions, actions and initiatives

  3. Key/transferable skills
    • Critically analyse research articles, reports and other reviews for accuracy, currency and understandability by the general public
    • Communicate appropriately with different publics
    • With supervised guidance, conduct a basic needs assessment as pertaining to current issues or in relation to development of a communication tool, product, event or programme
    • Work as a member of a team to develop a plan of action and implement as feasible an event or other initiative to help promote healthier, sustainable lifestyle and consumption behaviours
    • Apply design and organisational principles to develop, create a prototype or pilot and evaluate a simple product or service to help promote healthier, sustainable lifestyle and consumption behaviours

  4. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
    • Consider pursuing further studies in areas related to individual or family wellbeing, community development, sustainability, creativity and innovation or entrepreneurship, as well as training to become a teacher in the areas of Home Economics, Textiles Studies or related Vocational subjects (e.g. Hospitality, Health and Social Care, Fashion)
    • Appreciate the roles of different stakeholders in product and service development, particularly in the areas of food, elderly care, child care, interior design and fashion
    • Demonstrate practical skills in creative and sustainability-sensitive food preparation, interior design and textiles and garment production

Non EU Applicants:

Fee per academic year: Eur 8,500

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

This course offers professional training for career paths which can help improve the quality of life and wellbeing for individuals, families and society. As a graduate of this degree, you could be employed by national or international Government entities or Non-Governmental Organisations focusing on family wellbeing, consumer skills, caring services, healthy eating, food security and sustainable production and consumption (e.g. food, textiles, energy, water, waste). You could also be employed in the mass media or retail sector as advisors or marketers related to food choices and meal planning, planning of interiors and choice of appliances, as well as creativity and planning in textiles and fashion. The opportunity to taken on an entrepreneurial route and venture into private business or social innovation such as in the areas of food, catering, textiles, crafts, fashion and interiors are possible alternatives as well.

If you are interested in continuing your academic journey, then the following options are available for you:

  • Follow the UoM Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL) in Home Economics or Vocational subjects such as Hospitality, Health & Social Care and Fashion and Textiles.
  • Further their studies in the Home Economics field via a Masters in Education by research.
  • Pursue post-graduate studies in Family Studies, Ageing and Dementia Studies, Disability Studies, Gender Studies, Gerontology and Geriatrics and Creativity and Innovation.

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